Thursday, January 12, 2012

My most recent obsession...

If you do not have a Pinterest account yet, trust me, you're missing out! Brandon might not agree, but that may be because he's a man and would rather play video games than discover new crafting ideas and recipes. Pinterest is like an online bulletin board. Whenever you visit any site online and see something you want to remember, you 'pin it' to your Pinterest account. You can have multiple boards for your Pinterest account to organize your pins by category (recipes, arts & crafts, photography, etc.). But the fun doesn't stop there! The coolest thing about Pinterest is that you can follow others/others can follow you, which enables you to share pins. This component of Pinterest keeps the ideas flowing and sparks creativity in every Pinterest user. Whenever you want to go back to the site that you pinned, you simply click on the pin and it takes you back to the original site.

Tonight I saw a pin on Pinterest that I wanted to try. Luckily, I had everything I needed to make this project: an 8 frame picture frame (oddly enough, I had an old one from years ago and was waiting for an idea to repurpose it), scrapbook paper, and alphabet stickers (you can also simply use your printer if you want).

This project is SO simple to make! Cut your paper to your frame size (I suggest buying a paper cutter from your local craft store - straight lines were never easier!). Place your stickers on the scrapbook paper, place the paper in the frame, replace the backing and voila! 

Brandon and I definitely do not have a weekly routine, so this project will be incredibly useful to us. After taking this picture I wrote our evening activities on the glass of the frames with a dry erase marker. The dry erase marker wipes right off, so I can easily replace this week's schedule with next week's. 

I've also seen this same project used for weekly menus as well as chores. There are so many ways to use this idea to organize your life! 

Finally, if you don't have a Pinterest account and want one after reading this post, just let me know and I'll send you an invite! Happy pinning! 

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