Thursday, May 24, 2012


The past few weeks I've been exercising a lot with my close friends, Nicole and Crystal. We'll go for a 'run' that usually consists of a mixture of walking and running. We'll set goals for ourselves, such as running for five minutes, then walking for a few minutes before we run for five minutes again. Often during the time that we run, we exclaim how slow the time goes - it feels like we've been running for ten minutes and it's only been three. Then, the opposite happens during the time that we walk - we want to keep walking, but before we know it, the time has come to run again. Isn't it funny how fast time goes when we're doing something that we enjoy?

I say all this for two reasons - one, because I'm really proud of the persistence my two friends and I have had the past few weeks to get into shape. We've all lost weight and are feeling super healthy! The second reason is because I thought this story would fit perfectly into the topic of this post about memories.

If you've spent any time with me, you know that I don't often go places without my camera. I love capturing moments in life so that I can look back and remember them later. It brings me so much joy to reflect on the many wonderful moments I've been blessed to experience. A few days ago I happened to look through old pictures on my computer and came across a few from mine and Brandon's engagement/wedding. I've included a few below so that you can share in those memories too.

This picture was taken the night Brandon proposed.
I had a hair appointment that day that went terribly wrong, hence the VERY red hair color. 

Wedding dress shopping. Which one do you think I picked?

This picture was taken at our wedding shower. Only a few months before the big day!

Photos from the best day of our lives (thanks to Erika Photography)! 

At this point of the post, you might be wondering how I'm going to tie my running story to our marriage...if you are, wonder no more because I'm about to make the connection! Brandon and I have been married for two and half years now and the time has flown by! I suppose it's because it's similar to the portions of my exercise when I get to walk. You see, I think my friends and I enjoy the walking part so much because it's easy and comes naturally. It's also refreshing and gives us time to catch our breath and become re-energized before running again. During our walking time, we have the chance to have quality conversations and deepen our friendships with one another.

I feel that the same is true for my marriage to Brandon. Brandon is my best friend - I love him with all my heart and the past few years of being married to him has been amazing. I feel more myself when I am with him than without, and I am rejuvenated by our time together. I can get up and face the day of work ahead because I know I get to come home to him at night. Our marriage has made our friendship grow even stronger than I ever knew possible. And maybe this is why the past two and half years of my life has gone by so fast - because I'm truly enjoying it with my husband.

Today, I've had the chance to remember so many great moments in my life. I encourage you to take the time to do the same yourself. Go home and pull out old photos and allow them to take you back. Sometimes, a little reminiscing does the soul good. I hope whatever moments you remember are happy, and that the future holds even happier moments for you!

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